Wednesday, February 28, 2007

on ghosts

sometimes we say things even though we don't believe it.
and then we start believing it because its a lovely thing to have said.

its like keeping a promise u never intended to keep.

this is one of those.

ghosts are supposed to be aftermaths of life, staying in as wisps of vapour because the fleshy bodied life wasn't exactly fulfilling. (this is the definition i'm gonna work with. any other definition, and ur really missing the point i'm trying to make here. if u don't think that's what ghosts are, let's call em anazoids if it helps)

anazoids are supposed to be aftermaths of life, staying in as wisps of vapour because the fleshy bodied life wasn't exactly fulfilling.
(there... happy ???? if it's not too much of trouble, i'll stick to calling em ghosts)

ghosts are supposed to be aftermaths of............. (say it with me, for effect)

now... the reason i don't believe in them is this...
there is no such thing as an unfulfilled life.
life simply works its way out.
meddle with it, tweak it, fix it, or break it, or just don't plain bother abt it... life just works its way out.
we only die when we're done living.
and we only die when we're done living happily.
i believe that. i really do.
there really is no reason why i shouldn't.
no dead man is gonna come back alive and tell me that isn't true.

i'm sure there's several several flaws in my logic.
but i'd like to be like a kid who believes in santa clause, expecting him to come dressed in red and green, noticing he's come dressed in a weird maroon and green, but still being innocent enough to believe in santa.

i believe in santa.
i don't believe in ghosts.
there ain't no thing as an unfulfilled life.

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