Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Meet the Parents

Meet dad, who once came home barefoot not knowing where his shoes were and never realizing it. Meet the man who used to try and light a cigarette with the wrong end of a matchstick. Meet the man who quit smoking a month back and has suddenly started realizing that his wife’s an excellent cook. Meet the gentleman who has never hurt anybody intentionally yet. Meet the guy who can coolly sit in another room reading a paper when the hall is teeming with guests. Meet the man who still cannot recognize his daughter’s friends. Meet the man, who when his daughter chose a different career path, didn’t go ballistic and instead started reading up about her chosen field. Meet dad who cannot light a stove, cannot make his own coffee, once tried to serve himself food on an overturned plate. Meet my dad who never fails to inspire me. Meet my dad who is the only who can control me with words any nothing else. Meet my dad who is forever perplexed by my idiosyncrasies by loves me regardless.

Meet mom, who’s such a strong woman that sometimes her absence is hitting. Meet mom, who doesn’t care one bit about criticizing in public. Meet mom who brought me up in the one way she knew – trial and error. Meet the lady, a teacher – by profession and by life. Meet mom who’s the only one who will deflate my ego and give me a knock on my head when I float around buoyantly. Meet mom, who knows me better than anyone else I know. Meet mom, who understands that I’d like to think that I have secrets kept from everyone. Meet mom, who made me call everyone in my class and apologize when I had a fight. Meet mom, who’ll never encourage speaking ill of anyone. Meet mom, with whom I’ve had engaging surreal fights about broken hearts and life imprisonment in hell. Meet mom, who knows to win a fight by simply keeping quiet. Meet mom who hates shopping and crowded places and passed on the trait to me. Meet mom who makes my life as difficult as possible sometimes. Meet mom who’s made my life very easy for the most part. Meet mom who knows my worst fears and my gravest mistakes. Meet mom who thinks I can fly high.
PS : Meet my parents, as special as anyone else’s, as normal as anyone else’s. They’ll have been married 25 years in another year, but I don’t think I can wait that long before writing this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is such a nice writeup ... it's so heartwarming to see someone who loves their parents so much. :)