Monday, April 14, 2008

Autowallah series

Over the last year I've been traveling around in bangalore autos a lot. On a bright, sunny day, they're fun people to ride with. I suppose it comes from sharing the same frustrations- bangalore's pathetic roads. I just realized that I have enough stories about them to write more than 1 post. (It's a nice inflated world I live in. Its not just that I am the centre of the universe that I live in. It's also that I occupy a pretty big portion of it:)
Anyway, before I actually start posting them, I want to make a small list of the incidents that have been etched in my heart/mind and all that jazz, just so I don't forget to put them up.

You know how at the beginning of animated movies, they also have a short animated feature. They're oftentimes better than the movies itself.
i) How I lost my mobile phone (actually, that can be a whole series by itself. But I wanna save face)
Is the rough equivalent (in terms of theme and not quality mind you).

1) How I got out of paying 10 bucks
2) How I got cheated into paying a lot of bucks.
3) How I lost my shoe and found it.

Right. so there goes. the above mentioned posts will come up in due time.


parikrama said...
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parikrama said...

I am sure there would be few more additions to that list..

- How I acquired taste for rocking remixed music..

- How I ended up with a herniated disc..

- How I got introduced to my future hubby thanks to share-a-auto scheme

etc. etc. :-))

9:18 PM

VinSub said...

Jan, Its been due time! When are the new posts gonna come up? I keep checking every now and then, only to be disappointed! Eagerly waiting for new entries in your blog!