Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A series of unfortunate events

Took my own sweet time to grow.
And a long time to know.
Mirrors mustn’t be walked on.
As though upon a lawn.
And scooty brakes are ear-buds for many a buffalo.

You never stand on a moving vehicle.
Or bathe a cat with a gallon of pril.
Tomatoes are squishy.
And silences are fishy.
And misunderstandings make everything nil.

As a kid I rolled over dad and off the bed.
And luckily managed to not land my head.
Might that have been good ?
Well, that’s quite rude.
Never mind, enough has been said.

I got to twenty one with a fair bit of luck.
Escaped from geese with quite a bit of pluck.
Some loss of phones.
Some use of my bones.
And still doubting if when in doubt, I should go f***.

The entire process of truth and discovery,
Is sometimes rather worrisome and so very weary.
That some of us turn gray.
While the rest of us pray.
But at least you can say life’s never dreary.

A series of unfortunate events
Happened while trying to make sense,
To first realize
And then summarize
That only at death does life become past tense.


bilbo said...

That only at death does life become past tense.

awesome last line

bharath said...

And scooty brakes are ear-buds for many a buffalo.

very deep.

rearing cows was one fellow
on fields that need a plough
singing nice songs and looking lost
wandered into roads and horns blast
horn sounds are ear-buds to a buffalo.